I was suppose to fly from Fresno (FAT) to Phoenix (PHX) to Denver (DEN) to Chicago (ORD).
I get to the Fresno airport (thanks Jamie) and I may or may not have lost my passport there... (shhhh don't tell my mom). I fly to Phoenix fine, but when I get there I find out my flight to Denver had been delayed an hour. Well it was delayed an hour because President Obama (by the way he's going to save the world and end poverty and cure cancer and walk across water and meet everyone's expectations) was leaving Denver, and for safety they stopped the all the other flights.
SO, Because my plane was going to be delayed the nice lady at the counter said I may miss my connection in Denver to Chicago.
"Well that's no good," I say. And she agrees and tells me that she could put me on a direct flight to Chicago from Phoenix.
"But its in a half an hour..."
"What about my bag?"
"It has a 50/50 chance of making on the plane."
"Ugh. No thanks."
"Well, there is another flight at 7:30 and your bags would definitely be onboard that plane."
(Over five hours in the airport?) "Sure, I'll be patient and do that."
So then she gave me a $10 meal voucher for being awesome. YAY!
And she schedule me to be in the exit row with a window seat. YAY!
So I'm waiting around the Phoenix airport and luckily I had downloaded the new episodes of Lost and Heroes, which I watch and made time pass very quickly. And I found a free internet hotspot. YAY! So time is winding down and I still haven't used my $10 meal voucher... so I go to the 'California Pizza Kitchen ASAP' and Jason Marshall calls me on my cellular telephone. I talk loudly.
And a girl over hears me say "O'Hare, Elgin, Judson."
She leans to her friend and says "Is that Ben Scarbro???"
The next thing I know I have Julia Damon running over to give me a hug... Julia Damon... in Phoenix... buying a sandwich at the exact same time as me... I'm not even suppose to be in this airport.
And for those of you who don't know. Julia Damon was 2 years ahead of me in college. She was an RA in Ohio Hall and she was/is basically an older sister that asks me a bunch of questions and gives me advice on girls. (Girls are really confusing, by the way)
So here I am in the Phoenix airport hanging out with Sara, Julia, and Kyle. Who had just flown back from a vacation in Mexico. And we happened to be on the same plane and in the same food area. AND it also turns out that the girls are sitting directly in front of me on the flight. YAY. How cool was that...
Are you ready for this last bit? I don't think so... but I'll tell you anyway. We land safely in Chicago. I'm onboard a plane that I'm not even suppose to be on and I turn my cellular telephone on to send Chris Miller (my homegirl whose picking me up from the airport a text message). I recieve a voice mail and I listen to it... It's an automatic machine telling me that my Denver flight to Chicago had been cancelled... which means that if I had decided to risk it and go to Denver and not be patient, I would have been stuck in Denver for the night.
Although being in Denver for a night isn't incredibly bad... but I'd rather be hanging out with my friends here in the gloriues city of Elgin.
O yea Roscoe. How about this? When your mom and I flew from Beijing to Newark our luggage arrived, the customs lady stamped your mom's passport right where mom asked her to, the shuttle dropped us right at the white van, and, pay attention now, the van started on the first crank after sitting for a week. Doesn't that top meeting three lady friends in Phoenix or what? - Dad