Monday, November 10, 2008

"Things That Go Boom" as Kyle would say...

P.S. I'm not wearing a shirt... ladies?

After I finally fell back asleep I had a dream where I was talking about the government and politics with Kyle (my brother) and Dane Cook (a comedian) outside of the Commissary (an Annapolis grocery store). Strange.

This was me after my nap, and I needed a nap because I was rudely awakened during the night...

So after classes around 6 PM the Chinese radio is blared through the campus... this is what plays...

A little post-classes/pre-dinner Seal.  Maybe there is hope for China after all...

Please comment.  I'm desperate... house wives.  What?

Itunes: I'll Fly Away - The Avett Brothers

Question: Is this useless?


  1. I like this actually. Because a) you're not wearing a shirt and b) it looks cool with all the colors. China is crazyyy. hmm

  2. Roscoe - I noticed it's already Veteran's Day in China and they're obviously celebrating. How nice.

  3. Actually Dad, it's "Single's Day" here in China, the opposite of Valentine's I guess.

  4. Useless? Are you kidding? Your posts make my day!

  5. seal was our alarm at about 6am at a chick-fil-a grand opening last month. such a versatlie song.

  6. Have you been taking all these videos with the Cannon G9 I convinced you to buy? I hope so!

  7. How nice of you to go and help out the Chinese people. I didn't know that you were capable of such kindness. I had Chinese food the other day. I think in the grand scheme of things they are pretty much equal.

    I appreciate the video of you shirtless. It brought back some good memories. Especially that one day.

    Your favorite room.

  8. I remember typing roommate. Not sure what happened.

    I love Seal. Actually, I only know that one song. But I really like it. It moves me almost as much as Since U Been Gone.

  9. you are outrageous.

    love. it. :)
