Friday, November 7, 2008

You've got Questions, I've got answers. Double A-M-C-O

Here is the answer to all of your questions.

... wait what?

And here is the second video of Jason "Jarmo" Marshall.  He is the worst former roommate ever.  I miss him.

P.S. after you are done watching this video... a bunch of "similar" videos are shown and the first five videos that show up and the last one have me in them, so watch those too!
AND do me a favor.  Click on this video and goto its youtube page and leave lots of comments telling Jason that he is stupid and I am awesome.   PLEASE! 

P.P.S. Personal shout out to Kurt Scarbro, he's one of my best friends. And yes my dad is my friend because he's da bomb and totally phat and he totally "schooled" my brother.

Itunes: Tear Down the House - Avett Brothers

Question: What should my next post include?


  1. i still say millers although the postal service says manchestor...lame.

    handsome bear...hah..nice.

    my question:...hmm...thinking...can you do an interview with one of your students...or any chinese friend? that would be entertaining.

  2. Roscoe - You are awesome and Jason is stupid. No wait. Jason is awesome and you're stupid. No, darn it. You and Jason are awesome and I'm stupid. No, drat...let me stop chewing this gum and I'll get back to you.
