Monday, October 20, 2008


Me being a tourist in front of the gate to our school.

How do you say "Mac Daddy" in Chinese? And Mac Daddy I mean dumb American.
Vicky, Susan, Cindy, Me, Amy, Jenny

I said something in Japanese from Street Fighter II
Me, Vicky, Matt, Susan, Jenny

Amy, Matt, Susan, Jenny, Ben, Vicky. Team 6.

I thought Roosters crow when the sun comes up... not all freaking day.
It's like freaking Legend of Zelda. Grab one of those and you can fly.

Me in front of the only Pagoda-like building in Loudi.
The city is only 30 years old.


  1. How does it feel to be the American tourist insisting on pictures everywhere in China? I would think probably about as great as time travel. Streetfighter II...

  2. I found out how to make your blog better. You just have to talk about shrimp, white wine, and twins more. Its really easy. CULTUREEEEE

  3. thank you for 2 video game references
