Friday, January 30, 2009

For Continuities Sake...

I posted a video in the Changsha, Hunan, China post that was suppose to be there like 2 weeks ago but stupid youtube and copyright laws messed up my awesome video.

If anyone owns the rights to any sweet action songs they want to let me use for slide shows and such please et me now.

Currently I'm in Shanghai but I'll save that for another post.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

I went to Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China.
This was the point of my trip I just wanted to start relaxing.  

Hyung and SeungWoo

Confucius Temple aka Major Tourist Attraction


Booming with Tourist

Lamp. SeungWoo and I were kind of lost... I mean on an adventure

Nanjing Massacre Museum

I heart this.

I did stuff, relaxed, walked a lot.
Then Hyung invited me to go to Shanghai with him to visit a friend... that's when the craziness started. More to come in the next blog.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Changsha, Hunan, China

So Changsha reminded me a little of Chicago for these reasons...
1.) Cold
2.) Windy
3.) There's like a high priced shopping area (Michigan Ave)
4.) There's a sweet action area where the cool people hang out (Wrigleyville)
5.) Ian Simkins was there....

I met three people from Maryland... how awesome is that...
I met two people that went to Wheaton

One of the Wheaton grads roomed with Ned Wrights sister.
If you don't know Ned Wright then you aren't alive.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

When In Doubt... Clip Show!

Here's a clip show and some extra never before seen clips...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Camera Equals Picture Vomit

To Maryland and Beyond!

(click picture to enlarge)

Dear Professor Sarah Baranski, I know I chop off limbs, joints and pieces of peoples' heads, but you don't grade me anymore so take that. Heart, Ben

1.) He's 1/2 the reason why I'm awesome...
(for fear of getting grounded the other half is not pictured here until she approves of a photo)

I love the dump.

2.) Three Heads are better than girls... wait what?

"Oh, you Scarbro boys... you're crazy"

3.) My Sister

Chinese girl - "Is that David Beckham?"
Ben - "Yes."

4.) When the F did that happen?

I leave America and gas goes down $2.30... maybe I should stay away for the good of country.

5.) Nightshots are harder than they look.

Oh the severn....

6.) My Boss

She didn't know I was taking pictures.

7.) "I'm Tenum, the Tibetan guy."

Speaks English well. Great frisbee player.

8.) Random Student

I always scalp people with my camera for some reason...
must be the 1/16th Cherokee in me.

9.) One of my students dominating volleyball

I think it hit the net.

10.) I fell in love with this door

Not the chef tho...

11.) Construction crew don't do much in China either

Actually the sweep every inch of the city everyday...

12.) School's out.

Girl - "And then I got a barbie and Cindy said she wanted to see and I said ok and then Billy came over and made fun of my hair so I stuck my tongue out and..."
Grandma - 'Uh-huh"

13.) Loudi's "Central Park"

Just happens to be a cabbage field.

14.) Honk

I just thought it was funny to find a goose in the middle of a city... not dead.

15.) Totally ran into a Chinese middle school cat fight.

In this picture the girl that dominated the fight stared me down...
She's obviously not seen Rocky IV... The American beat the Commie

16.) Playing Futbol with an Orange

Freaking Chinese babies. I understand Angelina Jolie that much more now.

17.) Huh?

I'm still wondering what he was starring at.

18.) The Loudi ladies man.

This kid is famous in Loudi.

19.) Working hard for his money.

I knew I'd see child labor while I was here.

20.) Ma ma?


21.) Yeah, he works hard for his money.

Because he's gonna treat you right.

22.) Mid-day stroll

Then he runs into the "waiguo ren" (foreigner)

23.) I think he's smiling...

Totally my favorite picture.

Itunes: Whatever CDs Kyle gave me.