Friday, January 30, 2009

For Continuities Sake...

I posted a video in the Changsha, Hunan, China post that was suppose to be there like 2 weeks ago but stupid youtube and copyright laws messed up my awesome video.

If anyone owns the rights to any sweet action songs they want to let me use for slide shows and such please et me now.

Currently I'm in Shanghai but I'll save that for another post.


  1. BEN! you haven't answered my question about if you're bringing home a wifey?! and if you are bringing home girlies for the boy?! and you can't deny little asian kids are the cutest kids EVER! and with that said I just realized you whispered you were going to be an uncle? True statement? Miss you lots can't wait for you to come homeeeeeeee!!!

  2. Roscoe - Beware. The 'Rents are coming.
